The MSKUS Funding Assistance Program for Continuing Medical Education, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Hemophilia training course. This course is hosted and facilitated at the University of California San Diego, Hemophilia & Thrombosis Treatment Center. Educational funding assistance is a need based support program intended to provide one-time financial support for participation of hemophilia providers such as physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse, physical therapist, trainee(s) (Fellow, Resident and medical student) and other providers directly involved in the care of hemophilia and other bleeding disorder patients. The program is geared towards teaching hemophilia providers hemophilic joint disease to recognize joint bleeding synovial hypertrophy and synovitis, cartilage degradation, osteochondral lesions and other structural joint abnormalities. The program also introduces global joint health assessment by using semi-quantitative algorithms (Martinoli C, et al. TH 2013) and quantitative measurement tools currently developed by Drs. von Drygalski and Moore (Joint Assessment and Damage Examination (JADE)Guidelines.

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